Beyt al Falak - Astrology & Tarot with Hollie Ghandour

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aries new moon + total solar eclipse of 8 april, 2024

Total Solar eclipse on 8 April at 19°24’ Aries, the sign of action and confident leadership. The 19th degree of Aries is actually the Sun’s exaltation degree. 

This will be a Super New Moon, as it is very close to Earth in its orbit. And also the Biggest new moon of the year. Our skies will be darkened as the light of the sun is blocked (some regions of Mexico, the USA and Canada will experience a full total eclipse).

The sudden dimension of eclipses is very notable. Eclipses act like pivot points, these are times of endings and beginnings. Hopefully we have moved on with your journey after the lunar eclipse last March 25th.

With its Aries fresh energy, this eclipse feels very much like a new beginning. It is close to the North Node, we are on a path of growth and in Aries there is always an emphasis on new beginnings. This eclipse is also taking place on the Aries-Libra axis. Some possible themes are: 

autonomy vs partnership

compromise, independence, co-dependence

closure/culmination/ending of some kind

external conditions changing, disregarding one’s conscious will

Relationships of any kind ending

Striving to find an equilibrium between the collective and you

Fated occurrences. Permanent endings and new beginnings. These are twists of fate that come for us to push us towards growth. Wild cards. See which house has Aries on the cusp to know what the potential meaning could be for you, and how it could unfold in your own story. In this house, you may have to let go of a certain attitude and open a fresh new chapter. Only you know what this is about.

If you have important planetary placements between 14-24 of the cardinal signs (Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn) then this solar eclipse will have some importance for you. The consequences will be lasting for the six coming months if not more.

Aries energy is pioneering, war like. Inner authority is a big theme here. We are given a push to leap right now and perhaps think later. Have courage. 

This Solar Eclipse is happening in an exact conjunction with Chiron. Great potential for healing on a collective level and also on a personal level. The conjunction is exact to the minute. So it could really be considered a catharsis and the new start of a healing cycle. A lot has been said already about world leaders and prominent figures getting hospitalised during this eclipse season and this has been confirmed already (British royal family, Israeli PM Netanyahu etc.)

With both Mercury (retrograde!) and the dwarf planet Eris conjunct at 24° Aries, caution is advised when we put our points across. Eris is the goddess of discord and strife, she is a very edgy character, quite brutal and ruthless. Eris conjunct mercury retrograde in Aries is a wildcard for sure. There are heightened risks of making mistakes while rushing, in typical intrepid Aries fashion. Basically: hold your horses! If something isn't working in the house where you have Aries, then go back to the vision board and rethink it over, start fresh there!

Also, some past memories could resurface. We may find ourselves revisiting the past reconsidering many decisions and closed chapters.

Especially that we have a Mars Saturn conjunction ruling this eclipse. Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces is Discipline, Energy, Disciplined spiritual practice perhaps. But also a fierce dedication to what we feel drives us forward, our inner motor, aka intuition. Connect to your third eye chakra, as you listen to your gut feelings.

The Tarot card connected to this eclipse is the three of Wands. This card is ruled by the Sun and there definitely is an aura of leadership and triumph in this card. There is also lots of forethought and planning that are set off by a good dose of courage and the typical arian pioneering spirit. This card is mostly a symbol for waiting and patience while expanding your horizons. Waiting for the efforts and decisions made in the two of Wands to bear their fruits. Optimism and positive conjectures could be thought of as precious skills a leader would need. 

Discovering new opportunities and expanding your field of vision.

What is the signature of your present moment? What are you needing to let go? What situation is begging for your attention? Where do you need to focus your attention for more and where do you need to apply more initiative and drive?


Best thing you can do at this time is NOT to engage in unnecessary conflict. You would be saving yourself a lot of frustration and hurt feelings.

Book your astrology reading with me to discover how the eclipses are impacting your story