the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus, 21 april 2024
This year, Jupiter and Uranus are meeting at 21°50’ of Taurus - exactly today, the 21st of April. This is one of the most significant transits of 2024 and will be the start of a new cycle of growth and disturbances.
This astrological event takes place every 14 years. Last one in Taurus was over 80 years ago, in June 1941, a period marked by significant global geopolitical and economical changes.
Next time they meet again in Taurus will be in 2107.
This meeting of Jupiter and Uranus marks an exciting new beginning for you wherever Taurus falls in your chart: surprises, new opportunities, sudden changes and disruptions. These are all on the menu. You have the chance now to make any change you have been contemplating from afar, as you may feel much more inspired now. This is a very exciting time and you could feel restless.
Jupiter is the expander/magnification and Uranus is the awakener/rebellion. The concept of difference is always highlighted when we talk of Uranus. So when these two meet, we can already see without going too far a magnification of change and doing things differently. Major disruptions and a breaking down of an old order. As the largest planet in our solar system Jupiter expands everything it touches. Since Jupiter is also linked to faith and belief systems and Uranus is also known for its sudden dimension, this period could highlight sudden scientific and technological discoveries, abrupt leaps of faith coming up unexpectedly on a collective level, but also on a personal level wherever this conjunction is taking place in your chart and its condition. There could also be new creative discoveries and philosophical awakenings.
Since we are talking about Taurus energy, then we can expect these leaps to be earthy, nature-related and value-related. Taurus is known for its ponderate and sensual approaches, it changes and grows with circumspection. This is why the changes mentioned here in the context of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction may take some time before they show themselves. They may take some effort on your part, things will not just fall on your lap.
We can expect a wave of innovations and perhaps sudden technological advances related to money, banking, finances, agriculture, food laws, food production, work habits, work culture. On a personal level it could be professional promotions, financial gains, spiritual breakthroughs, sudden intuitive hunches, kundalini energy awakenings, new romance, artistic or talent discovery etc.
It is very hard to predict what can happen under this conjunction as this is exactly the role of Uranus, to evade prediction and surprise us all. Jupiter will boost and infuse optimism in the visions generated by Uranus. However, change has to be directed in a mindful and conscious way. Too much confidence sometimes can be too much and lead us way ahead of what is realistically achievable.
The Jupiter-Uranus cycle spans approximately 14 years, marked by significant events notably occurring at the conjunction, reaching a peak at the opposition. The two squares of the cycle also have their own meaning, carrying a semblance of tension related to the whole cycle where the scope of the whole theme is tweaked. Intriguingly, the conjunctions revisit the same zodiac sign in a recurring pattern over approximately 84 years, corresponding to a complete Uranus cycle.
With Uranus, the planet forever known for its connection to social upheavals, we have clearly been seeing an increase in protests all over the world, as well as rebellious acts showing an end to one’s patience. One can think of the political acts of self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell and Maxwell Azzarello (just last week), receiving quite a bit of media coverage.
When Taurus gets angry, which it rarely does, better stay away. This has clearly been happening, the examples are endless: massive protests in Israel to oust their useless PM, protests worldwide against the genocide happening since October 7, etc..
Wherever you find Taurus in your chart will be where sudden innovations and bold beginnings will maybe happen in your life journey. If you also have major placements in the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius), specifically around 19-25°.
But also, if you happen to have a strong natal Jupiter-Uranus signature in your chart, this is a big one for you. You probably have already started feeling it around 10 days ago if not more, especially having in mind the Eclipses and Mercury retrograde in the mix.
Around the 11th of next May, with the Sun crossing the same point 21°50’ of Taurus, try to note any personal correlation you perceive having to do with themes highlighted by the conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter. It is very much possible that some themes that came to life at the conjunction and breakthroughs you went through will be reactivated, quite consciously since the Sun will be infusing them with vitality and clarity. Embracing the opportunities presented there will serve to genuinely boost your confidence and free your ego at the same time.
The preceding Jupiter-Uranus cycle started with conjunctions in Aries and Pisces during 2010–11, coinciding with the Uranus-Pluto square, which extended from 2012 to 2015, overlapping with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. Last conjunction was at 27°02’ in Pisces in January 2011. Also a solar eclipse in Capricorn conjunct Pluto. The scientific innovations that were made during this cycle are simply too many to list but here are a few: widespread use of robotics and AI, electric cars, mass adoption of smartphones and many more.
At this time also, uprisings swept through the Arab world at a very rapid pace, catalyzing events that reshaped the entire region. The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction coincided with the Arab Spring, which had started mid-December 2010 in Tunisia. At that time, the authoritarian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali had to flee the country and hide in KSA to flee the crowd’s wrath, becoming the 1st leader of an Arab country to be ousted through popular uprisings. This was the first protest that inspired a bunch of other ones across the region, where people protested against poverty, authoritarianism, and corruption. There were protests in Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Syria and Yemen.
Next time Jupiter and Uranus meet will be in 2037!
If you are interested in this subject, you can check out astrologer Anne Whitaker’s interview with astrologer Ana Isabel on tracking the pulse of Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions here.
the Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions between the years 1940 and 2024