Beyt al Falak - Astrology & Tarot with Hollie Ghandour

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Saturn Mercury Cazimi at 9°14’ Pisces

In astrology, the term "cazimi" is used when the Sun meets any other planet. Today, February 28, 2024, we have not one, but two planets joining the Sun: a double cazimi.

This alignment doesn't happen very often. Having Saturn and Mercury both in a Cazimi is a very rare occurrence. They are both in the heart of the Sun. As a life provider, the Sun is showering its vitality on both of these astral bodies. They are soaking up all of the Sun’s light. 

Saturn represents the principle of realism, structure, commitment, resilience, obstacles and order. Mercury is ideas, perceptions, the way we learn, communicate and think. In Pisces, the way of the heart becomes more concrete, graspable, realistic. With this rare conjunction, we can expect invigorated decision making related to our own personal dreams. We are given a chance once more to commit to our dreams and perhaps to commit to more compassion in our daily communication. Today is a good day to make a decision you have been postponing or not wanting to take. In Pisces, your intuitive powers are heightened and with all this mercurial cerebral energy, you can push yourself to take a first step towards a goal, a relationship, a project that has been on your mind. 

Most importantly, prioritize making firm decisions this week and fully embrace the path that resonates with your innermost self.

I sincerely hope this Saturn Mercury Cazimi in Pisces can be a wake up call to some of those who have a stone inside of a heart and continue massacring babies, women and children who are completely defenseless. If Pisces, the most compassionate, vulnerable and empathic of all signs does not awaken some mercy then I don’t know what will. 

May Pisces show us the way. May we not forget that we have a heart and that others are part of us.