blood moon silver moon blue moon

Deep Dive Package: Astrology + Tarot

100€ - 75 min

This is a special reading combining both Astrology and Tarot. 

This reading was designed having my established clients in mind. I use different techniques for this energy update, namely transits, secondary progressions, solar return and more. We will explore your current life’s ups and downs through Astrology and Tarot.

We will go through your important planetary transits in detail, uncovering important cycles and influences you are going through at the moment of the reading.

The reading will be followed by a Tarot session where we will open the cards to reveal what is asking for your immediate attention at the current moment and suggested avenues for your self-realisation, given the astrological influences at play.

To schedule the reading, please contact me via email or Whatsapp (use the “Chat with us” button at the bottom right corner of your screen) for us to arrange a suitable date and time. The reading can be conducted either online or in person. 😊