Beyt al Falak - Astrology & Tarot with Hollie Ghandour

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what does “moon sign” mean?

Your “Moon sign” is the sign in which the moon was when you were born. The Moon changes signs more or less every two and a half days, so it symbolises your shifting moods and emotional states. Where and how it is placed in your chart shows how you were nurtured as a child, and so how you feel nurtured and taken care of at this time too. So, Luna - the Moon - represents the feminine energy and motherhood in your chart.

Your instincts are ruled by the moon, your most natural and unconscious you. How and where you feel “at home”. What you need in your day to day life to feel good, your physical needs to feel safe and secure, your restorative practices after a long day spending your energy at being productive and dealing with obstacles. Take Gemini for example, A Moon in social and intellectual Gemini, will most probably quiet down its nervous system by delving in a book or a journal, or perhaps by having and coffee and venting to friends about random events that happened in their day. With a Moon in Taurus, in contrast, you self-soothe by staying at home in the coziness of your blanket with a nice cup of tea or a glass of Pinot Noir: relishing in sensual pleasure makes this Moon feel good and at home.

The Moon teaches you to listen to your body, listen to your nervous reflexes, tune in to its sign to know how to care of yourself. When your Moon receives the recognition it needs, you will experience a sense of emotional stability, care, and a strong connection with your true self. However, when this important aspect of yourself is neglected or disregarded, you may feel a sense of disorientation, insecurity, a longing for something more, and an increased vulnerability to dramatic emotional responses. Understanding the specific placement of your Moon in terms of its house, sign, and relationship with other planets will reveal the individual formula that satisfies and nourishes your soul.

When we see a person through their Sun Sign, their Moon Sign and their Rising Sign, we already have a fair idea of their personality. These are typically referred to as the “Big 3” in the Astrology slang!